The aim of the three research projects are to investigate the possibility of automatically, or semi-automatically capturing the design knowledge that is created during an engineering design session. This will be accomplished by continuously logging the designer unobtrusively in the background and then post-processing the log files to extract the design knowledge. With the acquired design knowledge, it can then be used to develop an information push system which offers assistance to new or inexperienced users who are working on a similar design task.
The three research projects consist of the following:
1. COSTAR - Initial project to develop a virtual reality (VR) system to design and route cable harnesses whilst logging the user's actions
2. GRAND CHALLENGE - Application of design knowledge capture techniques to a 2D CAD-like design environment and the research is part of the Knowledge and Information (KIM) Grand Challenge project.
3. META - Application of the knowledge capture methods developed in COSTAR and GRAND CHALLENGE to commercial CAD software packages. Furthermore, bio-physiological measurements will be taken to gain further insight into the behavioural aspects of the user.
COSTAR and META are some of the projects that are part of the Digital Tools for Manufacturing Group at Heriot-Watt University. Other projects that are currently ongoing include scanning of 3D textures and haptics.