COSTAR/KIM/META Project Publications
Ritchie J.M., Dewar R.G., Robinson G., Simmons J.E.L., Ng F.M., The Role of Non-Intrusive Operator Logging to Support the Analysis and Generation of Product Engineering Data using Immersive VR, Journal of Virtual and Physical Prototyping, (2006),v1, n2, pp117-134, ISSN 1745-2759.
Robinson G., Day P., Ritchie J.M., Dewar R.G., User Activity Profiles with the CO-STAR Immersive Design System, Workshop on Virtual Reality in Product Engineering and Robotics: Technology and Applications, Special issue of the Transilvania University of Brasov, Brasov, Romania ISSN 1221-5872, May 2006, pp73-80.
Ritchie J.M., Dewar R.G., Workshop Proceedings: 1st International Virtual; Manufacturing Workshop (VIRMAN 06), IEEE VR Conference, Alexandria, March 2006, IEEE Catalog Number:06CH37779D, ISBN 1-4244-0224-7.
Ritchie J.M., Dewar R.G., Robinson G., Rea H.J., Day P.N., Sung R.C.W., User Activity in an Immersive Cable Harness Design System, Workshop Proceedings: 1st International Virtual; Manufacturing Workshop (VIRMAN 06), Part of the IEEE VR Conference, Alexandria, March 2006, IEEE Catalog Number:06CH37779D, ISBN 1-4244-0224-7, pp 5-9, March 2006.
Robinson G., Day P.N., Ritchie J.M., Dewar R.G. , Analysis of User Activity in an Engineering Design Task during the Evaluation of an Immersive Stereoscopic Design System, Proceedings of IDETC/CIE 2006, ASME 2006 International Design Engineering Technical Conference & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, September 2006, Paper DETC2006-99017.
Ritchie J., Robinson G., Day P., Dewar R.G., Simmons J., Sung R. , Cable Harness Design and Assembly Planning Using Immersive Virtual Reality, Proceedings of the 31st FISITA World Automotive Congress, Yokohama, October 2006, Paper F2006M161.
Clark N., Virtual reality in computer aided conceptual design: a comparison, MPhil Thesis, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK, 2006.
Rea H.J., Robinson G., Sung R.C.W., Salamon C., Ritchie J.M., Corney J.R. , Towards Automated Capture of Design Knowledge, KIM Project Conference 2007, Published by University of Bath, 28-29 March 2007, Loughborough University, UK, pp 15.
Rea H.J., Corney J.R., Ritchie J.M., Sung R.C.W., Salamon C., , Automating Digital Capture of Engineering Knowledge, 4th International CIRP-Sponsored Conference (DET2007), 19-21 September 2007, Bath, UK.
Ritchie J.M., Sung R.C.W., Robinson G., Day P.N., Dewar R.G., Simmons J.E.L. , Part A: Automated Design Analysis, Assembly Planning and Motion Study Analysis Using Immersive Virtual Reality, In Proceedings Advanced Summer Institute, University Transilvania Brasov, Romania, 2007.
Ritchie J.M., Lim T., Sung R.C.W., Corney J.R., Rea H.J. , Part B: The analysis of design and manufacturing tasks using haptic and immersive VR : Some case studies, In Proceedings Advanced Summer Institute, University Transilvania Brasov, Romania, 2007.
Rea H.J., Howley I.K., Corney J.R., Ritchie J.M., Sung R.C.W., Salamon C., CBBC BAMZOOKi as a Tool for Engineering Design Research, Learning with Games(LG2007), Edited by Taisch, M, Cassina, J, pp 585-594, 24-26 September, 2007, Sophia Antipolis, France.
Ritchie J.M., Sung R.C.W., Robinson G., Day P.N., Dewar R.G., Simmons J.E.L., Cable harness design, assembly and installation using immersive virtual reality, Virtual Reality Journal, 2007, Vol. 11(4), pp 261-274.
Robinson G., Ritchie J.M., Day P.N., Dewar R.G., System design and user evaluation of Co-Star: An immersive stereoscopic system for cable harness design, Computer-Aided Design, 2007, Vol. 39(4), pp 245-257.
Sung R.C.W., Ritchie J.M., Robinson G., Day P., Corney J.R., Rea H.J., The Role of Therbligs in Automated Design Process Mapping, KIM Project Conference 2008, Published by the University of Bath, 2-3 April 2008, Reading University, UK.
Ritchie J.M., Sung R.C.W., Rea H.J., Lim T., Corney J.R., Howley I.K., The Use of Non-Intrusive User Logging to Capture Engineering Rationale, Knowledge and Intent during the Product Life Cycle, 2008 PICMET Conference, 27-31 July 2008, Westin Grand Cape Town Arabella Quays, Cape Town, South Africa.
Ritchie J.M., Sung R.C.W., Rea H.J., Lim T., Corney J.R., Salamon C., Howley I., Automated Knowledge Capture in 2D and 3D Design Environments, 2nd International Workshop Virtual Manufacturing VirMan 08 as part of the 5th INTUITION International Conference: Virtual Reality in Industry and Society: Frome Research to Application, October 6-8, 2008, Torino, Italy, ISBN 978-960-89028-7-9
Ritchie, J.M., Lim, T., Sung, R.S. & Medellin, H., Generation of Assembly Process Plans and Associated Gilbreth Motion Study Data, 2nd International Workshop Virtual Manufacturing VirMan 08 as part of the 5th INTUITION International Conference: Virtual Reality in Industry and Society: Frome Research to Application, October 6-8, 2008, Torino, Italy, ISBN 978-960-89028-7-9
Sung, R.C.W., Ritchie, J.M., Lim, T., Medellin, H., Assembly Planning and Motion Study Using Virtual Reality, World Conference on Innovative VR (WINVR) Conference, February 25-26, 2009, Chalon-sur-Saone, France.
Lim, T., Medellin, H., Sung, R.C.W., Ritchie, J.M., Corney, J.R., Virtual bloxing / assembly rapid prototyping of near net shapes, World Conference on Innovative VR (WINVR) Conference, February 25-26, 2009, Chalon-sur-Saone, France.
Sung R.C.W., Ritchie J.M., Lim T., Rea H.J., Corney J.R., Automated Capture of Design Knowledge using a Virtual Creature Environment, 40th Annual ISAGA (International Simulation and Gaming Association) Conference, 29 June- 3 July 2009, National University of Singapore, Singapore, ISBN: 978-981-08-3769-3
Sung, R.C.W., Ritchie, J.M., Lim, T., Robinson, G., Day, P. Automated design process modelling and analysis using immersive virtual reality”, The 6th International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management, July 6-8, 2009, University of Bath, Bath, UK.
Sung, R.C.W., Robinson, G., Day, P.N., Ritchie, J.M., Corney, J.R., Lim, T., Automated design process modelling and analysis using immersive virtual reality, Computer-Aided Design, Vol.41(12), December 2009, pp. 1082-1094.
Lim, T., Ritchie, J., Sung, R., Kosmadoudi, Z., Liu, Y., Thin, A.G. Haptic virtual reality assembly: Moving towards Real Engineering Applications, Advances in Haptics,Chapter 3, IN-TECH.
Kosmadoudi, Z., Pooley, R., Lim, T., Ritchie, J.M., and Sung, R., Information System Methodologies in Game Industries, 40th Annual Conference of International Simulation and Gaming Association, Singapore 2009.
Kosmadoudi, Z., Sung, R., Liu, Y., Lim, T., and Ritchie, J.M., Evaluating User Interfaces for Engineering Tasks with Biometric Logging, Proceedings of the TMCE, Ancona Italy 2010
Sung, R.C.W., Ritchie, J.M., Rea H.J., Corney J.R. Automated design knowledge capture and representation in single-user cad environments, To be published in Journal of Engineering Design.
Liu, Y., Kosmadoudi, Z., Sung, R., Lim, T., and Ritchie, J.M., A Fuzzy Physiological Approach to Evaluate Engineering Computer-Aid Design System, to be published.