Grand Challenge
Even though current computer-aided design (CAD) tools excel at recording the final design solution for an engineering problem, they are not as adept at capturing the design rationale and knowledge that were created during the design session. Being able to access this information will give insight into the reasons why key design decisions were made which, in turn, will support engineers who have to make revisions to the product in the future. One way round this problem would involve having the engineer manually log all the design decisions made during a session but this would both be disruptive to the creative process and time consuming. In addition, the quality and structure of the recorded data would be inconsistent because each engineer will perform the manual logging differently. Therefore, it would be greatly beneficial if the CAD system were able to record design knowledge and rationale automatically. Therefore, the aim of the research is to apply the user logging and knowledge capture techniques used in the Costar project where a 3D immersive environment was used, in a 2D design environment.
Our research addresses this issue with a novel approach and investigation into this subject. A prototype system is presented which can capture design knowledge and rationale by logging user behaviour and system interactions unobtrusively whilst a CAD system is being used during a design session. Since it was not possible to use a commercial CAD package, due to security and intellectual property reasons, an alternative was found in the form of a 2D design environment called BAMZOOKi. BAMZOOKi, developed by Gameware for the CBBC television channel, is aimed at children and allows mechanical creatures,called Zooks, to be created and then tested using the built-in trials. These trials test the sprinting, pushing and hurdling capability of the user's Zook and there are performance targets that have to be met before a design can be deemed to be successful.
The log files generated by BAMZOOKi are designed to be an XML format so that the data is in a structured, analysable form and is easy to parse and post-process. After carrying out a large-scale trial of the prototype application, over 700 log files were generated and then analysed to extract design knowledge and intent as well as allowing a statistical analysis of the log file data and process mapping. Regarding the latter, a colour-coded representation and IDEF0 diagrams were output to give a visual representation of the processes that occurred during the design sessions. Finally, by utilising the design knowledge obtained from the analysis, that is stored in an XML format (shown on the right), an original experimental form of automated information push is presented which aids the user during the design task depending on their real-time logged design behaviour.